Kathyoli School - Est. 2014
7 classrooms, 8 latrines, 3 water tanks, new desks & school supplies
At the final opening of our first school, the board traveled to local communities to learn about their needs. Through the three community tour, the board saw the dedication from family and faculty in the Kathyoli community. Upon our return to the US, we held 7 events in 12 months and through an incredible amount of sponsors and their generosity, we were able to raise $144,902 in under a year.
Classroom Sponsors:
Curt & Connie Bergan
Longfellow Elementary School
Barb & Jim Glore and Brian & Courtney Grimmins
Peter & Colette Johnson Foundation
Brent & Nancy Nerland
Leslee Allen, Lloyd Clausen, Brian Dernbach, Sarah Fish, Nancy Nerland & Jordan Obinger
Latrine Sponsors
Cliff & Cindy Martin
Cyn-Dee Sweester Family
Paul Jarvis & Bell State Bank
Geri Mittleider & Moira Lennox
Jeff & Kathy Jones
Michael & Lindsay Herbert
Kristin Hollander
Water Tank Sponsors
Jane Swanson
Katie & Travis Sanders
Ryan & Stacie Bortel
Samrat Maitra & Lena Zakharova
Classroom of Desks Sponsors
Nick & Tamra Nerland
Terrie Allen
Morgan Stanely Smith Barney
Jill, Robert, Griffin & Siena Prevost
Philip Eidsvold & Ty Baucum
Molly & Leo Varley
Melissa Daughtry